Tuesday, June 03, 2008


As usual went to study for CA.. haha exam period bo bian.. den 1/2 way thru ed smsed.. we met him for lunch.. den service xiu's phone at the nokia service centre.. den we went to rp to slack a bit... send xiu to yew tee and again slack awhile until its time for her tuition.. den i went AMK hub to meet ang.. treat him to dinner and we had a good talk.. best part.. CASH IS IN.. woot.. have to make good use of the money.. =P after a super filling dinner.. went home..

Along the way.. someone called... had some prob and needed someone to tok to.. since i was free anyway.. spent my time on the phone.. this friend of mine (no names mentioned.. haha) like heart broken.. he had this very close GF.. she was the best.. help him with studies and washes clothes and stuff.. but because every time she enjoyed what he cooked.. he made meals for her.. seeing her smile each time made he really happy.. but one day.. his mum was coming over (he is staying alone in rented flat).. since he had no time.. he asked his GF to cook.. but on that day.. she didn't.. his mum was furious after the waiting.. they went out to eat.. and soon after.. everything broke down.. because of the disappointment.. they broke up.. but he still likes her a lot..

Recently he met her.. he noticed that she was drinking extremely bitter black coffee.. at that moment he realize something.. she lost her sense of taste.. he asked her. .and she replied "finally you noticed" her current BF realize it within weeks... and love her a lot.. my friend explained that he love her too.. but she replied "You love me for the love i gave you.. it was never really me"

This made me thought.. some times.. we really forget to see, to feel, to understand those around us.. we are blinded at a lot of times.. we believe we know everything.. but maybe.. the ones that we don't understand the most are those right beside us.. when i think back and try to see how much i know about my old friends.. i realize though they are the few closest to me.. i don't really know much about them.. as least not as much as what i knew b4.. really woke me up..

At times, I'm not the one neglecting.. but the one neglected.. of course it hurts.. it hurts a lot.. to be left alone each time.. but each time i see that he/she is happy.. it doesn't really matter anymore.. what's more important is the smiles of those i treasure.. i realize that's how I've been living my life.. it's tough, tiring and sometimes sad i must say.. to move behind when they don't need me and push when they needed the support.. every moment is a challenge.. everyday is a torture.. but still... I'm loving it.. cause.. every smile that i see.. adds energy to my life.. if u ever ask me do i wanna change.. i wan to.. to become even stronger.. to be able to support more people.. yes.. I'm a complete idiot.. but thats how a complete idiot lives his life.. =)

Who will find me within the shadows of many.. who will adopt me...


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