My friend was just complainin how much life is unfair.. i felt that.. it never was.. had it been fair.. then my journey through life would be a lot more simple.. but hell no.. its damn rough.. too many ups and down..
Well my friend has been putting a lot of effort in many things.. for school, work, friends and family.. but when things doesn't seem to be returning.. it felt as though the efforts are for nothing.. i know how you felt my friend.. sometimes a simple reply that may sound so insignificant or a joke to others is very hurting.. actually.. what is really wanted.. is just to be realized that you are there.. not to realize how much credit you should have.. just simply knowing you are there.. but when your existence is like as if not known.. it really isn't very nice..
But.. my friend.. if you don't put in the effort.. mayb you wun even have wat u have now.. i really do know what you going through.. cos like what you said.. we are the same kind.. which is why you tok to me about it.. we are just plain idiots... welcome to the family.. =P
Don't ask for what the world can do for you.. ask what u can do for the world.. a very old saying.. still remember? hahaha.. well we not that noble.. so just keep it to people around us.. yea.. i know its not the sadness you really facin through.. but rather.. the fear.. as things gets better for others.. yours may not be moving.. you push others .. but u got no one to push you.. slowly you are distanced.. ya.. been through it.. still going through it too =) Alot of people say i got nothing to fear.. there's one.. we fear because we give more then we can.. and it somehow becomes scary (not sure how to explain) all i can say is.. sometimes we gotta put our feelings aside and do whats right no matter how complex our feelings may be..
Just be who you are.. someday.. someone.. will find you.. or you will find that person that he/she will hold on to you or vice versa.. just open up your eyes a little more.. you may realize that person is close.. and when you ever do find it.. may b.. you would say life is fair... don't gif up.. =)
Is that moment near for me too?