Tuesday, June 10, 2008


ok.. 5am in the morning... just woke up from a not so nice sleep... cannot get back to sleep.. lay on the bed and tried getting some.. but simply couldn't.. mind when blank out for the moment and started to refresh with things that happened these few weeks...

Realised that I've been really insensitive.. done a lot of things that shouldn't be done.. or at the wrong timing.. so many things to correct.. so many things to find back.. i dunno what the hell I'm doing.. i think so much about my probs and neglected those around me.. i dunno what else to say..

The thought of ytd was the worse.. suppose to entertain xiu to let her feel time will pass by quickly.. ended up she tried to entertain me.. "ha".. what else can i say.. I'm the worse.. even till the last sec of the day.. nothing good came out.. NOTHING.. I'm the worse piece of *toot*.. seriously.. i suck..

Chest pain again.. but nothing beats the pain from "inside"

Right now.. just stoning.. stared at the screen for like 10 min and i don't know what else i can comment.. maybe.. don't try to know me.. i don't worth all those time? I'm a goner..

Almost 6am.. going to go back try to sleep..

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