Saturday, May 31, 2008

too many passives to make the world turn

Ytd while i was on my way to meet a fren.. dear xinda called.. haha he had the most interesting emergency.. he planned a gathering which in the end many of them fly kite.. so he called so that there would be 4 people to play cranium.. i don't really like that game cause my language sux.. but ok la.. he needed me and 10 yrs of friendship.. i chiong down as fast as i could from yew tee.. really enjoyed the game.. made quite a fool out of ourselves.. got home quite late and woke up damn early this morning...

Lucky my dad was home.. and he long bang me to lib to study.. quite productive.. manage to clear INAC exercises.. went to eat botak jones and played a bit of relac relac bball .. haha v fun also.. the day ended quite well until i got home.. hand itchy.. saw some thins.. and realise there are more things happening then it seems..

the road is getting rough(not mine though).. suspicion.. disappointment.. unhappiness.. happens that the related group of people are passive people.. a lot of times they don't speak whats in their mind.. and wait for thins to happen.. some can "announce" it in word forms and not verbally.. announce liao just stay put.. like.. if thins will move.. if really bothered.. just say so.. try to understand why its happening... no one is in any wrong... don't say not bothered or don't care.. if you don't.. then feelings wouldn't be expressed out in words.. come on man.. time doesn't wait.. time doesn't care... but all of us do.. be active.. initiate.. speak out loud and make the world turn again...

And chill off people.. don't just follow your feelings.. have the trust been lowered to that much? think about it people.. learn to think and not feel.. learn to understand and not just see.. open up.. and all will realise there is something more then any1 can believe..

Yea.. if too chim.. let me noe.. lol.. i say simpler manner... no one is perfect... peace...

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