05/04/06... "haha".. it was suppose to be like that the whole week. y? simple.. BoA released her lastest single on that day.. YEA~!! i was on reserve and i took offs on thurs and fri. Including the weekend which i was not needed to come for duty i was suppose to rest at hm and enjoy for 4 days straight~! WOW.. wat a wonderful week eh?! it was! until my whole shift recieved 2 xtras on that day. y? all i can say is we were quite swey. haiz...
So i spent my weekends in camp. Both sat and sun were gd days. Nice weather.. no much construction goin on in camp.. peaceful... until our sat DO started to start his usual pranks again! i went for joggin in camp and immediately after tt i went with my fren to do fence check.. half way thru we saw DO ridin a bicycle. We talked awhile and was told to return 1st due to darkness. On our way back we saw 2 of our other frens in PT attire coolin down. So 5 of us were returnin to guardroom. All of the sudden.. DO 1/2 way say turnout.. like WTF?! alrite.. so we turnout. He farkin say it was no tekan but to keep our alertness high so he decided to turn out at the most relaxed moment. Like wtf!?(again) Hey.. runnin doesn't make some1 sleepy.. it makes one even more alert especially rite after the run. Its obvious he wans to play ard. After that he decided to turn out again later in the nite and the 2pidest thin is he started to tok cok. He just wans to statisfy his own thirst for enjoyment by doin this. He finds it amusin to c us in hurried state. he totally spoiled the day.
Finally hm at last... xtras over.. now hve to deal with the new people.. borin~~