Friday, March 31, 2006

New comers...

wooah~~ its 31 of march already and tml is april fools day~!!! well not really in the mood for this anymore.. used to remember how we would always try to trick people durin this day especially when its school day. Ha.. come to think of it.. it was kind of 2pid yet fun. Those were the days...

Finally~ the PV of BoA's lastest single is out on youtube and i decided to up this here!! haha.. its a really enjoyable and fun song and i kind of find it relaxin especially when u listen and watch to pv together.. yea.. recommend to watch. Can b found at the puzzle section too~.

alrite.. into the main topic of the day... been a long long time and finally what my camp mates and i hve been waitin for.. NEW COMERS! its like been a woooooooah time that we suppose to get new people to join us. We missed a spec and man batch... and so yea... we were kind of short handed. Anyway.. when they new people report today.. a bastard.. the one who didnt kept his promise... started to make noise. NO~~ it wasn't dissastifaction.. he was makin noise to "tekan" the new comers.. He wanted them to start duty immediately.. like hey.. who starts to do stand gate the moment they arrived without proper arrangement and plannins for these 4 new comers. Even if it was that way in the past.. BUT time has changed.. not everyone goes thru that anymore.

B4 these 4 people came.. we had a future spec with us now already.. he is preparin to go for ASLC and come back as a spec. Anyway... another bastard.. this time a spec decided to play punk. Actually, in his shift theres been alot of dissatisfaction btw him(bastard) and the rest of the fellow. He started to turn out everyone early 5 am++ . Its not every1 is new and has to undergo all sorts of torture and trainin. Every1 here has at least work together for at least 1/2 yr already! Wat the hell?!!! And he gave a v lame excuse sayin he wans to show the power of turn out to the future spec. The moment i heard this i knew it didn't make sense. This 'future spec' wouldn't even hve the chance to work in shift rite after he comes back frm his course. Furthermore he wld undergo all the turnout and shit durin his course so there wasn't a need to show him at all!! And so finally i found out that the most prob reasonin is that he wans to "disturb"(this is the nice term i'm givin) somebody. He is aimin at some1 and he actually says the way that guy mend durin his duty hrs. WTF?! like he also mends it that way and worse still.. he can disappear durin his supposed mendin hrs! Can u believe this? A true bastard... no matter how gd a friend he can b.. this kind of attitude and behaviour totally turns me off... BOOOO~~~

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