Monday, February 13, 2006

omg.. this is bad~

Recently my com has been actin Very strange... and i really mean VERY. It like my monitor just shut down by itself and shows "not signal found" but the very fact that the cpu is actually ON! Like most people.. my 1st tot was whether my monitor is the actual prob.. but hell no~ it turns out to b the cpu. After the the shut down of monitor, i decided to reset my com.. and it ended up with my cpu makin this loud "beeep". I couldn't shut the cpu down nor i could reset it. The onli thin i could do was to off the power switch and on it back again. Initially, when i try to on my cpu again... it made the same beep~! i was like holy crap... the onli thin i could do at that time was to shut down the main power again. I repeated the "on and off" process until my cpu started to work fine again. This actually lasted for quite a few days and i was like feelin rather worried each time i actually on my com. Anyway.. its startin to work out fine already.. hope that shit doesn't happen again. Asked some of my computer geniuses and none of them actually can't tell whats the prob. Mayb this is a sign for me to change my com.. kekeke...

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